Monday, October 21, 2019

la te da.

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  1. I feel the weakness in this mortal tabernacle this website writers spirit presently dwells in.
    Goes against what is written in this website.

    When summarized properly?
    That proves the christian GOD is a sinful coward .
    And worthless in every way regarding righteousness.

  2. A cowardly spirit of idiotic sinfulness.
    That's what the unholy god of ISRAEL is.

    Unless what I write in this website is true.

    When I feel this weak?
    That's evidence irrefutably that the Christian God truly is a complete sinful coward with no holiness at all.
    And if people around me created the christian god?to do all this fucking cowardly cursedshit to me?

    That's evidence that their cursed cowards.

    Whoever the real creator is?
    Or creators are?
    It's obvious he or she or they are pathetic cursed cowards.
    Who deserve no praise at all.

    Unless what I write in this website is true.
    Connected to this.

    And as it stands right now?
    The weakness I feel in this physical body i presently dwell in is too overwhelming.
    I cant even focus with my cerebral cortex without horrific pain presently.

    That's obvious evidence the real creator orcreators are complete sinful cowards.
    With no glory at all.
    Regarding righteousness..connected to ISIAH 42: 8.
    Whether the real creator of thisshit world is the pathetically unholy coward christian jewish god or whether it is someone else.

    No glory to you oo pathetic god of israel .
    When it comes to courage your a pathetic swine bastard ooo jehovah.

    God of israel.
    Yah what.
    You idiot.

    You loser fuck.


I begin this blog website with this . A brief commentary and study on two YouTube videos. Attached here. As follows First note this.  A very...